
Tally Accounting with GST & PRIME

Tally ERP9 History of Tally introduction to ERP9. Difference from other versions of tally. Tally ERP9 using countries, How to create a company with or without password Type of company Different terms and groups related to Accounting. Ledger creation, Inventory creation stock journal Manufacturing and other Advanced Tally options Setting the option in F11 Features and F12 configurations. Finalization of Accounts


Diploma in Tally Accounting with GST & PRIME

Module 1 Computerized accounting using Tally. History of Tally. Introduction to Tally ERP9 and differences between other versions, company creations, Editing options, Ledger and groups, voucher Entries, advanced options by salting F11 features options, and F12 configurations, Inventory features with Manufacturing and Godown Transfer of Materials, Final Display of Daybook Account books, Stock Summary Vat Reports, payroll reports Balance sheet Module 2 GST, Introduction. Difference between Different types of Taxes Benefits and Difficulties of GST GST Introduced countries. Different topics related to GST (Good and Service Tax


MDIFA (Masters Diploma in Indian & Foreign Accounting)

1. Computerized financial accounting using tally.Inventory, voucher entry, advanced accounting, F 11 features and F 12 configuration, job posting and pay roll, reports with manufacturing. 2.Foreign computerized financial accounting using peach tree. Chart of Accounts, menu bar, common business terms, transactions, job cost, pay roll and sales tax, reports


DCFA (Diploma in Computerized Financial Accounting)

1. Computerized financial accounting using tally Ledger creation, journal entries and inventory creation. Finding reports, advanced options, tax, order processing pricing, pay roll, rejections and delivery notes,godown transfer of materials, manufacturing. 2. Foreign ComputerizedfinancialAccounting using peachtree chart of Accounts, common Bussiness Terms, Transactions, purchase and sales invoicing, Refounds, manufacturing, valuation of reports.